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Homeworld 2 Crack 1.1 Windows 7

In the aftermath, the Leviathan was boarded by Prelate Zeratul. Kerrigan was initially hostile to Zeratul, but he granted her a vision of Zerus, the zerg homeworld, and that the prophecy demanded that she be remade there as a primal zerg. Kerrigan was hesitant, but acted on the prophecy, and moved on Zerus, wanting the power to get revenge on Mengsk.[36] She battled the pack leaders of the planet, and awakened Zurvan, the most ancient primal zerg on the planet.[37] Zurvan told her of the first spawning pool, where she could be reborn as primal zerg. Kerrigan did this, leaving her assistants to defend her. After battling the pack leaders, Kerrigan was reborn with more power than she ever had as the Queen of Blades.[38] A primal zerg named Dehaka saw her power, and offered his allegiance, but the other primals gathered their packs to challenge her. Kerrigan used her new power to defeat all of the pack leaders, including Zurvan himself, and gathered the primal zerg under her control.[39]

Homeworld 2 Crack 1.1 Windows 7

The origins of Darth Sidious were closely guarded secrets that he took to his grave more than once. He[9] was born on the Mid Rim planet Naboo as Sheev Palpatine,[17] eighty-two years before the Battle of Yavin.[2] The noble Palpatine family belonged to the affluent class in Naboo society,[17] although by the time of the Imperial Era Palpatine did not have a family as far as the public was aware.[14] Palpatine was raised in the cultured city of Theed, his homeworld's capital; he formed connections with a reputable host of credible politicians produced over the centuries, all the while acquiring a great amount of knowledge on governance and the subtleties of power during his youth.[20] As such, Palpatine had been skilled in manipulation since boyhood.[21]

In his public persona as Sheev Palpatine, his embarkment on a career in politics was aided by his master, who raised him to the position of senator for his homeworld in the Galactic Republic Senate.[13] Additionally, his role made him the senator for the rest of the Chommell sector,[25] meaning he represented a total of thirty-six planets.[29] It was Plagueis that had arranged for his apprentice to become the Senator of Naboo and the rest of the Chommell sector.[24] Once elected, the representative for Naboo quickly joined incumbent Supreme Chancellor Skor Kalpana's ruling party, and noticed the fervent bickering and corruption that mired the Republic. He began to establish relations with those who would become his future collaborators, such as Wilhuff Tarkin. The duo met for the first time when Tarkin was still a cadet of the Sullust Sector Spacefarers Academy, and while Palpatine was still apprenticed to Plagueis.[13]

Upon arriving in Coruscant to vote on the matter, Palpatine's successor as Senator of Naboo, former Queen Padmé Amidala, narrowly avoided an assassination attempt carried out by Zam Wesell on behalf of the vengeful Nute Gunray. Palpatine had the vote delayed and placed the senator under the protection of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, her old allies from the Battle of Naboo. After a second attempt on the senator's life was made, Skywalker was assigned to protect her back on her homeworld of Naboo. There the two secretly started to fall in love which, coupled with Skywalker's later discovery of his mother Shmi's death at the hands of Tusken Raiders on the planet Tatooine, would bring the young Jedi ever closer to the dark side of the force, and even more vulnerable to Sidious' deceptive machinations.[11]

In his early days as Senator Palpatine, Sidious had closely associated with Wilhuff Tarkin, whom he encouraged to pursue a career in politics after his training with the Judicials was completed. Tarkin went on to become Governor of Eriadu and one of the Republic's foremost military leaders during the Clone Wars. Sidious had learned of Tarkin's upbringing on Eriadu, where he had been trained in harsh conditions through a brutal initiation in the wild Carrion Plateau of his homeworld. Tarkin had been taught to hunt savage creatures and emerged from his training with the belief that only the brutal application of the law and the fear of force could keep beings in line with a central galactic government. Although Tarkin lacked Force-sensitivity, Sidious identified him as one whose mindset was very close to that of the Sith.[13]

Five years after the end of the Clone Wars, Cham Syndulla, a war hero who liberated Ryloth from the Separatist forces during the war, organized and led the Free Ryloth Movement in order to liberate his homeworld once again, this time from an Imperial military occupation. Sidious summoned the Senator of Ryloth, Orn Free Taa, in order to incorporate the senator into his plan to eradicate the "terrorists." He ordered the Twi'lek to accompany him and his right-hand man, Darth Vader, for an official visit to Ryloth. Once Sidious dismissed Taa, Vader asked him why he couldn't simply wipe out the Senator along with his entire staff, in which the two Sith suspected there were one or more traitors, who provided aid to the terrorist movement. But the Emperor wished to find the roots of the treachery, eliminate them and make of it an example for the entire galaxy. Eventually, he ordered Vader to inform the Moff of Ryloth, Delian Mors, of the arrival of Senator Orn Free Taa, but not of the two of them.[116]

By 14 BBY,[118] Sidious had placed Moff Wilhuff Tarkin in charge of the secret Death Star project. The battle moon was being constructed above Geonosis and was supplied by a series of marshaling stations. The Empire faced a new threat in the form of Berch Teller, a former Republic Intelligence agent who opposed the Empire. He led a rebel cell consisting of survivors and witnesses of the Antar Atrocity, a mass crackdown on Antar 4 following the Clone Wars that had seen the killing of innocent Gotal and Koorivar loyalists. Teller had a special animus for Tarkin, the architect of the Antar Atrocity. He was secretly aided and equipped by Vice Admiral Dodd Rancit, the Director of the Naval Intelligence Agency and a rival of Tarkin.[13]

Meanwhile, Lord Vader discovered that Rancit was the Imperial traitor and executed him. While Tarkin led Imperial forces against Teller's insurgents in a space battle near the Gulf of Tatooine, Darth Sidious mediated on his quest for galactic dominance. Following the defeat of Teller's insurgency, Tarkin and Vader spent the next three weeks hunting down Teller's collaborators and contacts in a ruthless crackdown. The two briefed the Emperor, who appointed Tarkin as Grand Moff and Governor of the Outer Rim Territories. The Emperor also reshuffled the Ruling Council in the wake of Rancit's execution. He also folded Naval Intelligence back into Imperial Intelligence.[13]

In an attempt to get Ezra to unlock the portal to the World Between Worlds, Sidious tried to tempt Ezra with the opportunity of reuniting with his deceased parents. Ezra, however, recalling his earlier lesson in the World Between Worlds, decided to reject this offer, knowing he had a family and then proceeded to pull down the Temple into rubble. This caused the Emperor's hologram projection to shift from his benevolent persona to his true form. With his plan in tatters, the Emperor ordered three members of the Royal Guard and three stormtroopers to enter the room and execute Ezra. However, after Sidious deactivated his hologram, Bridger was able to use the Force to crush the soldiers with rubble and escaped. Ultimately making his way to the bridge of the Chimaera, Bridger, having previously ordered his ally Mart Mattin to summon a pod of Purrgil with Frequency Zero, successfully liberated his homeworld from the Empire, as the creatures defeated the blockade in orbit and proceeded to take hold of the Chimaera, dragging it, Thrawn, the rest of the crew, and him into hyperspace. Thus, Bridger unknowingly also stopped[138] Sidious' future plans for Thrawn[139] from becoming a reality.[138]

Determined to prevent the destruction of his Empire, Sidious reorganized Imperial High Command by appointing General Tagge as Grand General with command of all military matters. Tagge had argued against the strategy of having the Death Star as the Imperial military's sole weapon, believing that the military was all that was needed to safeguard the Empire and that depending on a single weapon was inviting catastrophe. Vader, who had failed to protect either the Death Star or Cymoon 1, was demoted and ordered to serve under Tagge as the Grand General saw fit. The Emperor gave orders that the military was to focus its attention on the conquest of the Outer Rim until the time when the second Death Star was completed. Tagge and Vader begun targeting the pirates for destruction as well as cracking down on criminal elements which had gone unchecked in the past, such as the Son-tuul Pride.[143][147][149]

The Emperor also posthumously issued Operation: Cinder to a select group of Imperial officers, including Admiral Garrick Versio and Captain Lerr Duvat, which called for the scouring of multiple worlds, including his own homeworld of Naboo.[180] The days following the Emperor's death were chaotic, as massive uprisings, which the Empire tried to cease, took place on thousands of planets to prove that the rebels had been right all along about public sentiment toward the Empire.[181] Months after Endor, dark side adherents such as the Acolytes of the Beyond came to worship Vader and the dark side of the Force on planets across the galaxy such as the planet Taris.[113]

To those who had been at his nonexistent mercy, Sidious was known to be exceptionally sadistic, and he often took visible pleasure in torturing others.[75] He was similarly quite bloodthirsty as well, and frequently reveled in combat to the point of laughing while he fought or killed.[19][75][13] He was also noted for his lack of forgiveness, as even Darth Vader, who was well known for summarily executing officers who failed him, considered Sidious to be even less clement than himself.[4] According to Sosha Soruna, the reason Sidious left his homeworld of Naboo relatively untouched during his reign was because he enjoyed tormenting the populace with the fact that he could destroy the serene beauty of the planet at anytime.[180] In spite of his exceptional mastery of the dark arts, he was no less susceptible to fear, one of the primary emotions of the dark side, than any other Sith: after being attacked by a powerful Force push from Yoda, he displayed visible panic, attempted to flee rather than fight, and only confronted his opponent when he appeared to have no other choice.[19] Despite this, his passion to inflict pain on others and his hate were a priority to him over his own well-being: while he could have used his own powers to save himself from Darth Vader during the Battle of Endor, Sidious' hate was so strong that his only thought was to harm Vader as his apprentice carried him to his first death.[204] 2ff7e9595c

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